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Gluten Free, Dairy Free Meal Plan Over 7 Days

We have compiled one weeks worth of meal ideas to get you thinking and to get you started on eating a gluten free and dairy free diet, void of processed carbohydrates. We would love you to share any ideas you have so that we can expand on this to provide more meal ideas to help make gluten free, dairy free easier for people. Please email us with any suggestions/recipes.  All the ideas given below are also yeast free.




More Meal Ideas

  • Pasta mince or meatballs (ensure sugar free pasta sauce, or make your own using onions, garlic, tomato, oregano, basil, apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper)
  • Slow baked salmon fillet with lemon, thyme, garlic and duck fat, salt and pepper.
  • Scallops pan fried in crushed garlic, salt, pepper, fresh chopped coriander and coconut oil.
  • Leftover chicken and roast veges with quinoa and salad
  • Roast chicken – salt, pepper, cut lemon up inside the chicken
  • Roast veges – beetroot, onion, broccoli, celeriac, pumpkin, kumara
  • Chicken nibble wings with skin (seasoned with turmeric, oregano, salt, pepper, can add curry powder or chilli if needed)
  • Chicken drumsticks boiled in water, ginger, garlic cloves, celery, red potato, onion, sage or mixed herbs, salt, pepper.
  • Peas and carrot, chicken broth soup – can add veges if needed

Grain Preparation

When you are cooking with grains, it is best to properly prepare your grains to neutralise the phytic acid found in the grains. Phytic acid negatively affects our ability to digest and absorb nutrients from our food.  For more information on grain preparation see here for this example of preparing brown rice.

Eating mini meals is the best way to snack to keep your sugar balanced, but most people tend to find that after a short while the need for snacks reduces or goes altogether due to the improvements in meal composition, as every meal listed here has protein, fat and carbohydrate, thus keeping your blood sugar more stable.

Snack Ideas

  • Quiche – salmon and chicken bits, pumpkin, onion, spinach, tomato, kale, salt, pepper, herbs – Ceres Herb salt, curry powder etc
  • Coconut banana bread
  • Kale chips – kale leaves baked in the oven at low temperature with olive oil drizled over them for flavour
  • Celery sticks with dip (homemade garlic aiolimayo)
  • Carrot sticks or whole carrot
  • Celery sticks with dip (aioli, mayo)
  • Falafel – if good with chickpea
  • Boiled eggs – preferably with a soft yolk
  • Green pea chips, Mung bean chips – available at CSO, or through THC on request – discounts available if 5 or more bags are purchased

If Gluten Free But Dairy Tolerant

You can add recipes/meals containing the following ingredients (organic options are preferable):

  • Sour cream
  • Firmer cheeses – organic (CSO) or raw (Moore Wilsons or Le Marche Francais)
  • Acidophilus yoghurt – homemade is ideal or Biofarm plain yoghurt
  • Butter and ghee
  • Cream
  • Non- homogenised organic milk
  • Raw milk

Processed Carbohydrate Snacks For Emergencies or Tricky Situations

  • Dovedale Rice and chia bread (CSO or Chaffers, Thorndon and Newtown New World)
  • Dovedale fruit loaf –  (CSO or Chaffers, Thorndon and Newtown New World)
  • Thoroughbread Sourdough bread(only at this if tolerant of honey) – CSO , Sunday harbourside markets
  • Rice crackers – ensure no MSG or wheat in flavouring on ingredients list
  • Rice wafers – ensure no MSG or wheat in flavouring on ingredients list
  • Crackers – Little bird – (CSO)


Gluten Free, Dairy Free Meal plan Wellington | Total Health Chiropractic