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Cheryl Comely

Chiropractic Assistant

Cheryl ComelyI experienced the benefits of chiropractic care at 20 years old following a tail bone fracture from a skiing accident. I visited the chiropractor following my accident expecting the injury was all I needed to work on but I quickly learned after being checked that there were various imbalances and stresses in my system I had been living with for a long time.

The Power of Chiropractic

I was amazed how much my general health and performance improved after starting chiropractic care. After this experience chiropractic care became something I had regularly to help me keep performing at my best and I am grateful I can now have my two children checked regularly so they can thrive. I look forward to helping facilitate your health journey at Total Health Chiropractic.


Cheryl Comely | Total Health Chiropractic